Power Star Entertainment | 877-836-2556


A Fairy Tale

In the charming village of Harmon, Abram, an introspective and kind-hearted man, stumbles upon a captivating discovery—the distinct musical notes created by raindrops falling on various surfaces. Each drop resonates a unique tone, turning the village into a symphony of sounds that had previously gone unnoticed. Driven by this newfound awareness, Abram embarks on a mission to open his neighbors' ears and hearts to the enchanting melodies of the rain. His journey of exploration and sharing not only transforms his own perspective on the world but also rekindles a sense of wonder and unity within the community, proving that music is all around, waiting to be heard.

This First Edition - Children’s Book Series –is a Spin-off from the Musical Film Treatment “Once Upon -a Jingle” – A Tuneful Tale.

Manuscript Now Available

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