“Miss Freckles and the Environment” Children’s Book Series is a spin-off from “Miss Freckles
Princess of Climate Change” an Animated/Environmental/Adventure/Musical Film Treatment
that has been syndicated worldwide.

*Miss Freckles and the Environment Children’s Book Series Manuscript is Now Available.

“Billy & Tilly’s Ocean Clean-Up Posse” Children’s Short Story Book Series is a spin-off from
“Billy & Tilly and Friends” an Animated/Environmental/Adventure/Musical Film Treatment
that has been syndicated worldwide.

*Billy & Tilly’s Ocean Clean-Up Posse Children’s Short Story Book Series
Now Under Development

“The Happee Pappee” Children’s Short Story Book Series is a spin-off from “The Happee
Pappee” an Animated/Environmental/Adventure/Musical Film Treatment that has been
syndicated worldwide.

*The Happee Pappee Children’s Short Story Book Series Manuscript
Now Under Development

Environmental Short Story Children’s Book Now Under Development!


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